Monday, September 30, 2019

Democracy vs. Absolutisn Essay

Democracy vs. Absolutism During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there were various forms of government, including democracy and absolutism. Not only is this an important topic because it deals with the government, but it also deals with the citizens and their perception of the government. However, at this time democracy was a better form of government because the people share the power with the government, the person in power does not have absolute power, and it protects the rights of the people. Through democracy, the government shares the power with its citizens. Absolutism, on the other hand, is where the government comes before everything. According to King Louis XIV, â€Å"The head alone has the right to deliberate and decide, and the functions of all the other members consist only in carrying out the commands given to them. † King Louis believes his opinion is the only opinion that matters. On the other hand, democracy is better because it considers the opinions of other people. This makes it so that one person in charge is unable to have absolute power. Having too much power was also an issue in some countries in the 17th and 18th centuries. According to Machiavelli, fear and punishment will make the citizens comply with the decisions and ideas of their leader. Democracy is better than absolutism because citizens have the ability to form their own opinions without fear of punishment for disagreeing with their leader. The right to freedom of speech is one of the many rights people value in a democratic government. A democratic government respects the natural rights and freedoms of its citizens. By allowing its citizens to make their own choices, the citizens hold a positive view of the government. A democratic government allows the citizens to have their freedoms and doesn’t invade their privacy. By allowing everyone to have a say in the government, it makes the government easy to comply with. That is why it is an obvious assumption that the citizens will have a negative view on absolutism because they won’t have their basic freedoms. In conclusion, democracy is a better form of government because the government shares power with its citizens, the person in power does not have absolute power, and it protects rights of the people. For these reasons, a democracy is a more effective government when it comes to leading its people.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wcf services, data access, and other features

5.1 IntroductionMicrosoft Windows Communication Foundation ( WCF ) is one of the cardinal engineerings available in.NET Framework 3.0 and ulterior versions. This session briefly introduces an overview of WCF services. The session besides takes a expression at the new informations related controls in ASP.NET 3.5. As organisations grow planetary, there is a strong demand for Web applications to accommodate to planetary audiences and civilizations. This session describes globalisation and besides discusses the support for handiness in ASP.NET 3.5. Finally, the session explains about nomadic applications in ASP.NET WCF ServicesWCF is designed as incorporate programming theoretical account that helps to make distributed applications utilizing assorted.NET engineerings such as utilizing Web services, .NET Remoting, Message Queue ( MSMQ ) , Enterprise Services, and so forth. Through WCF, you can make a individual service that can be exposed as named pipes, HTTP, TCP, and so on.5.2.1 Making a WCF Service with ASP.NETASP.NET and Visual Studio 2008 enable you to make and devour WCF services. The first measure towards this is to specify the service contract. The stairss to specify a service contract are as follows: 1. Launch Ocular Studio and choose a new Web undertaking of type WCF Service Application. This templet defines a Web undertaking for hosting the WCF service and will make a mention to System.ServiceModel.dll in the undertaking. This assembly contains the WCF categories. The undertaking templet will besides bring forth a default service named Service1.svc and a related contract file named IService1.cs. You can rename these two files suitably. For illustration, you could call the undertaking as TestServices and the service itself as NewService. The contract file, INewService.cs, is a.NET Framework interface that includes the service property classes for the service category, the operations, and the members. The.svc.cs file is a category implementing this interface. A WCF Service application is automatically configured so that it can be hosted in IIS. It exposes a standard HTTP end point. The & lt ; system.servicemodel & gt ; subdivision of the web.config file describes these scenes. An illustration of & lt ; system.servicemodel & gt ; subdivision in web.config is shown in Code Snippet 1.Code Snippet 1& lt ; system.serviceModel & gt ; & lt ; services & gt ; & lt ; service name= † TestServices.NewService † behaviorConfiguration= † TestServices.NewService † & gt ; & lt ; endpoint address= † † binding= † wsHttpBinding † contract= † TestServices.NewService.INewService † & gt ; & lt ; individuality & gt ; & lt ; dns value= † localhost † / & gt ; & lt ; /identity & gt ; & lt ; /endpoint & gt ; & lt ; endpoint address= † mex † binding= † mexHttpBinding † contract= † IMetadataExchange † / & gt ; & lt ; /service & gt ; & lt ; /services & gt ; & lt ; behaviours & gt ; & lt ; serviceBehaviors & gt ; & lt ; behavior name= † TestServices.NewServiceBehavior † & gt ; & lt ; serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults= † false † / & gt ; & lt ; /behavior & gt ; & lt ; /serviceBehaviors & gt ; & lt ; /behaviors & gt ; & lt ; /system.serviceModel & gt ; 2. Implement the service contract. To implement the service, you start by specifying the contract via the interface. For illustration, see a scenario where you want to expose methods of a service that work with the Suppliers table in a Shipments database. Make a Supplier category inside ISupplierService.cs and tag it as a DataContract and taging each of its members as DataMember. Code Snippet 2 shows an illustration:Code Snippet 2[ DataContract ] public category Supplier { // specify a belongings [ DataMember ] public int SupplierCode { get ; set ; } // define other belongingss } The following measure is to specify the methods of your interface in ISupplierService.cs and tag them with the OperationContract property. You need to tag the interface with the ServiceContract property as shown in Code Snippet 3.Code Snippet 3[ ServiceContract ] public interface ISupplierService { [ OperationContract ] Supplier GetSupplier ( int supplierCode ) ; [ OperationContract ] Supplier SaveSupplier ( Supplier supplierper ) ; } WCF will utilize the interface to expose a service. The service will be configured based on the web.config file. The service interface is implemented inside the ISupplierService.svc.cs file as shown in Code Snippet 4.Code Snippet 4public category SupplierService: ISupplierService { confString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings [ â€Å" SupplierString † ] .ToString ( ) ; public Supplier GetSupplier ( int supplierId ) { . . . } public nothingness Display ( Supplier provider ) { . . . } } The contract is defined via the ISupplierService interface. The contract is implemented inside the SupplierService.svc file.5.3.2 Calling or devouring the WCF serviceThe stairss to configure one or more service end points and host the service in an application are taken attention of by default while executing all the stairss carried out until now. For illustration, an end point is configured via the default HTTP end point set up inside the web.config file and the service is hosted by IIS and ASP.NET. Now eventually, you can name the WCF service. You need to put a client to name the service. The client could be an ASP.NET Web site, a Windows application, or an application on a different platform. Assuming that the client is traveling to be an ASP.NET Web site for the current scenario, the stairss to name the service are as follows: 1. Make an ASP.NET Web site. 2. To bring forth a proxy category utilizing Ocular Studio 2008, right-click your Web site and choice Add Service Reference. The Add Service Reference duologue box is displayed as shown in figure 5.2. This duologue box allows you to specify an reference to your service. The construct of proxy category is similar to that in XML Web services – it is a WCF service client enabling you to work with the service without holding to cover with the inside informations of WCF. You can besides make the placeholder by utilizing the ServiceModel Metadata Utility command-line tool ( Svcutil.exe ) . 3. Stipulate an appropriate namespace in the Namespace box in the duologue box. This namespace will specify the name for the proxy category that will be generated by Ocular Studio. 4. Specify binding and end point information. Actually, the Add ServiceReference duologue box generates the appropriate end point information automatically when you add the service mention. The web.config file will incorporate this information as shown in Code Snippet 5.Code Snippet 5& lt ; system.serviceModel & gt ; & lt ; bindings & gt ; & lt ; wsHttpBinding & gt ; & lt ; adhering name= † WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService † closeTimeout= † 00:01:00 † openTimeout= † 00:01:00 † receiveTimeout= † 00:10:00 † sendTimeout= † 00:01:00 † bypassProxyOnLocal= † false † transactionFlow= † false † hostNameComparisonMode= † StrongWildcard † maxBufferPoolSize= † 524288 † maxReceivedMessageSize= † 65536 † messageEncoding= † Text † textEncoding= † utf-8 † useDefaultWebProxy= † true † allowCookies= † false † & gt ; & lt ; readerQuotas maxDepth= † 32 † maxStringContentLength= † 8192 † maxArrayLength= † 16384 † maxBytesPerRead= † 4096 † maxNameTableCharCount= † 16384 † / & gt ; & lt ; reliableSession ordered= † true † inactivityTimeout= † 00:10:00 † enabled= † false † / & gt ; & lt ; security mode= † Message † & gt ; & lt ; transport clientCredentialType= † Windows † proxyCredentialType= † None † realm= † † / & gt ; & lt ; message clientCredentialType= † Windows † negotiateServiceCredential= † true † algorithmSuite= † Default † establishSecurityContext= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; /security & gt ; & lt ; /binding & gt ; & lt ; /wsHttpBinding & gt ; & lt ; /bindings & gt ; & lt ; client & gt ; & lt ; endpoint address= † hypertext transfer protocol: //localhost:4392/SupplierService.svc † binding= † wsHttpBinding † bindingConfiguration= † WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService † contract= † NwServices.ISupplierService † name= † WSHttpBinding_ISupplierService † & gt ; & lt ; individuality & gt ; & lt ; dns value= † localhost † / & gt ; & lt ; /identity & gt ; & lt ; /endpoint & gt ; & lt ; /client & gt ; & lt ; /system.serviceModel & gt ; There are two options to pull off and redact the WCF constellation information: you can redact straight in web.config or you can utilize the Service Configuration Editor to pull off your end points. Right-click the web.config file and take Edit Wcf Configuration. This will establish the Service Configuration Editor duologue box. Finally, you will make a Web page will name the service via the proxy category. Code Snippet 6 shows portion of the codification in the Web page that will instantiate the proxy category and name the service.Code Snippet 6. . . SupplierServices.SupplierServiceClient testSupplier = new SupplierServices.ShipperServiceClient ( ) ; SupplierServices.Supplier provider = new SupplierServices.Supplier ( ) ; provider = testSupplier.GetSupplier ( supplierCode ) ;5.5 New Data Controls in ASP.NET 3.5ASP.NET 3.5 defines several new informations related controls including LinqDataSource, EntityDataSource, and ListView.5.5.1 LinqDataSourceLanguage-Integrated Query ( LINQ ) is a set of characteristics that adds question capablenesss to.NET linguistic communications such as C # . LINQ enables you to question informations from diverse informations beginnings in an easy mode. The lone status is that these informations beginnings must be LINQ-compatible, which means they must be supported by LINQ. LINQ can be used with SQL, XML files, objects ( such as C # arrays and aggregations ) , and ADO.NET DataSets. The LinqDataSource is new to ASP.NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. It is used to recover informations from a LINQ information theoretical account. This control enables you to expose informations from a database by utilizing LINQ to SQL. Once you have generated informations categories utilizing the Object/Relational ( O/R ) interior decorator, you can adhere to those categories utilizing the LinqDataSource control. The ContextTypeName property is used in markup with the LinqDataSource to tie in the database context of your LINQ-based informations. See a scenario where you have defined a DataContext category named EmpDataContext utilizing Linq to SQL Classes in Visual Studio 2008. The following markup shows how you would link to this category utilizing the LinqDataSource control:Code Snippet 7& lt ; asp: LinqDataSource ID= † lnqEmp † runat= † waiter † ContextTypeName= † EmpDataContext † EnableDelete= † True † EnableInsert= † True † EnableUpdate= † True † OrderBy= † EmpCode † TableName= † Employees † & gt ; & lt ; /asp: LinqDataSource & gt ; Alternatively of typing the markup shown in Code Snippet 7, you can besides utilize the Configure Data Source ace to tie in the DataContext category with the LinqDataSource control. This can be done utilizing following stairss: 1. Add a LinqDataSource control to the Web page. 2. Snap the smart ticket beside the control. 3. In the context bill of fare that is displayed, choice Configure Data Source. This will expose the Configure Data Source ace as shown in figure 5.3.Figure 5.3: Configure Data Source Wizard for LinqDataSource4. Continue with the measure by measure process shown in the Configure Data Source ace. The LinqDataSource control allows you to specify parametric quantities, to bespeak sorting, enable paging, and more. You can besides specify questions holding Where and OrderBy clauses. The Where clause uses the WhereParameters stand foring a question twine that filters the information on the question twine. You can besides adhere a LinqDataSource control to a data-bound control.5.5.2 EntityDataSourceThe EntityDataSource control is new to the.NET Framework 3.5. The EntityDataSource control enables you to entree informations utilizing the ADO.NET Entity Framework. Users who are familiar with data-bound controls will happen the EntityDataSource control similar to the SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource, and ObjectDataSource controls. The EntityDataSource control enables you to adhere informations in an Entity Data Model ( EDM ) to Web controls on a page. You construct questions utilizing snippings of Entity SQL codification and delegate them to the Where, OrderBy, GroupBy, and Select operato rs. You can provide parameter values to these operations from page controls, cookies, and other ASP.NET parametric quantity objects. The EntityDataSource interior decorator enables you to configure an EntityDataSource control easy at design clip. Similar to LinqDataSource, you can utilize the Configure Data Source ace of the EntityDataSource control to initialise the informations beginning. Figure 5.4 shows the ace. Initially, the ace enables you to choose a named connexion from the Web.Config file or add a connexion twine to link to the database. The 2nd page of the ace will hold content depending on whether a Select statement configured by the options on the ace is used or some other bid text is used.5.5.3 ListViewThe ListView control is used to adhere and expose informations points from a information beginning. The ListView provides characteristics that support folio, screening, and grouping of points. Using the ListView control, you can execute edit, insert, and delete operations on informations without the demand for any codification. You can adhere the ListView control to informations by utilizing the DataSourceID belongings. This enables you to adhere the ListView control to a information beginning control, such as the SqlDataSource control. You can besides adhere the ListView control to informations by utilizing the DataSource belongings. This enables you to adhere to assorted objects, which includes ADO.NET datasets and informations readers and in-memory constructions such as aggregations. This attack requires that you write codifications for any extra functionality such as sorting, paging, and updating. Items that are displayed by a ListView control are defined by templets, likewise to the DataList and Repeater controls. The ListView control lets you expose informations as single points or in groups. You define the chief layout of a ListView control by making a LayoutTemplate templet. The LayoutTemplate must include a control that acts as a proxy for the information. You define content for single points utilizing the ItemTemplate templet. This templet typically contains controls that are data-bound to data columns or other single informations elements. Code Snippet 8 shows a ListView control that displays names of classs from the Categories tabular array in Library database.Code Snippet 8& lt ; caput runat= † waiter † & gt ; & lt ; title & gt ; ListView Demo & lt ; /title & gt ; & lt ; manner type= † text/css † & gt ; .table { boundary line: thin # 000000 solid ; border-collapse: prostration ; boundary line: 1px solid # 000000 ; } table td { boundary line: 1px solid # FF0000 ; } & lt ; /style & gt ; & lt ; /head & gt ; & lt ; organic structure & gt ; & lt ; signifier id= † form1 † runat= † waiter † & gt ; & lt ; div & gt ; & lt ; /div & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; asp: ListView runat= † waiter † ID= † ListView1 † DataSourceID= † SqlDataSource1 † & gt ; & lt ; LayoutTemplate & gt ; & lt ; table runat= † waiter † id= † table1 † class= † tabular array † & gt ; & lt ; tr runat= † waiter † id= † itemPlaceholder † & gt ; & lt ; /tr & gt ; & lt ; /table & gt ; & lt ; /LayoutTemplate & gt ; & lt ; ItemTemplate & gt ; & lt ; tr id= † Tr1 † runat= † waiter † & gt ; & lt ; td id= † Td1 † runat= † waiter † & gt ; & lt ; % — Data-bound content. — % & gt ; & lt ; asp: Label ID= † NameLabel † runat= † waiter † Text= ‘ & lt ; % # Eval ( â€Å" Category † ) % & gt ; ‘ / & gt ; & lt ; /td & gt ; & lt ; /tr & gt ; & lt ; /ItemTemplate & gt ; & lt ; /asp: ListView & gt ; & lt ; asp: SqlDataSource ID= † SqlDataSource1 † runat= † waiter † ConnectionString= † & lt ; % $ ConnectionStrings: LibraryConnectionString % & gt ; † SelectCommand= † SELECT [ CategoryID ] , [ Category ] FROM [ BookCategories ] † & gt ; & lt ; /asp: SqlDataSource & gt ; The end product of this markup is seen in figure 5.6. 5.6 Globalization.NET Framework 4.NET Framework 3.0Ocular Studio 2005Ocular Studio.NET 2003ASP.NET allows you to develop Web applications that can be accessed by 1000000s of users across the Earth. This means that the Web applications should be created taking into consideration the demands of users from assorted parts of the universe. Therefore, you need to internationalise your application to do it accessible to users belonging to different states, parts, civilizations, linguistic communications, and so on. Globalizationinvolves the procedure of developing Web applications that can be used by users from different parts of the universe. These Web applications will be independent of the linguistic communication and civilization. In short, globalising an application involves doing your application readable to a broad scope of users irrespective the cultural and regional differences. See a scenario of a medical research company in New York. The company has created a Web application that displays the consequences of different researches carried out by the company. The Web application is created sing a broad scope of users of different linguistic communications and civilizations. This means that the Web site is civilization and linguistic communication specific. Therefore, for a user from United States, the Web site content appears in English and for the user from France, the Web site content appears in French, and so on. But, the company wants to follow a standard format while stand foring the medical marks and symbols. This means that irrespective of the user ‘s location, the marks and symbols should look same. To implement this, developers can globalise the Web application. Using ASP.NET, you can make Web applications that can automatically set civilization, and arrange day of the months and currency harmonizing to user demands. ASP.NET supports globalisation by supplying the System.Globalization namespace. The System.Globalization namespace provides a set of categories to construct applications that can be supported across the Earth. These categories allow you to cover with assorted globalisation issues such as civilization, part, calendar support, and date-time data format. Table 5.1 lists the normally used categories of the System.Globalizationnamespace.ClassDescriptionCalendarThis category represents yearss in hebdomads, months, and old ages. It is the basal category for other civilization specific calendars such as GregorianCalendar, JapaneseCalendar, and KoreanCalendarCultureInfoThis category provides culture-specific information such as name of the civilization and linguistic communicationNumberFormatInfoThis category represents the manner the numeral values are formatted and displayed for a specific civilizationRegionInfoThis category provides information about country/region such as country/region n ame and two missive codification defined in ISO 3166Table 5.1: Normally Used Classs of System.GlobalizationFor illustration, to expose the currency symbol of the current civilization in your Web application, the codification shown in Code Snippet 9 will be used.Code Snippet 9CultureInfo curie = System.Threading.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture ; NumberFormatInfo nfi = ci.NumberFormat ; Response.Write ( â€Å" Currency Symbol: â€Å" + nfi.CurrencySymbol + â€Å" & lt ; BR & gt ; † ) ; If the current civilization is US, the currency symbol displayed as a consequence of Code Snippet 9 will be $ . You can put the civilization or an ASP.NET Web page declaratively utilizing one of two attacks:Add a globalisation subdivision to the web.config file, and so put the uiculture and civilization properties, as shown:& lt ; globalisation uiCulture= † Es † culture= † es-MX † / & gt ; This sets the UI civilization and civilization for all pages,Set the Culture and UICulture attributes of the @ Page directive, as shown in the undermentioned illustration:& lt ; % @ Page UICulture= † Es † Culture= † es-MX † % & gt ; This sets the UI civilization and civilization for an single page,.NET Framework 4Ocular Studio 2005A resource file is used to hive away user interface strings for interpreting the application into other linguistic communications. It is a utile constituent in the procedure of globalisation and localisation. Resource files are stored in XML format and contain strings, image file waies, and other resources. This is because you can make a separate resource file for each linguistic communication into which you want to interpret a Web page. The stairss to make a resource file are as follows:Ensure that your Web site has a booklet such as App_GlobalResources in which to hive away the resource file. You can add such a booklet by right-clicking on the Website name in Solution Explorer and choosing Add ASP.NET Folder and so choosing App_GlobalResources as shown in figure 5.7.Right-click the App_GlobalResources booklet, and so snap Add New Item. This will make a resource file,In the Add New Item duologue box, under Ocular Studio installed templets, click Resource File.In the Name box, stipulate a name for the resource file and so snap Add. The Resources Editor window glass is displayed where you can type names ( keys ) , values, and optional remarks bespeaking each resource point.Type appropriate key names and values for each resource that you need in your application, and so salvage the file.To make resource files for extra linguistic communications, copy the file in Solution Explorer or in Windows Explorer, and so rename i t utilizing the syntax filename.language-culture.resx. For case, if you create a planetary resource file named Resources.resx for interlingual rendition to Spanish ( Mexico ) , you will call the copied file Open the copied file and interpret each value, go forthing the names ( keys ) the same.Perform and reiterate stairss 6 and 7 for each extra linguistic communication that you want to utilize.5.8 Accessibility Support in ASP.NET.NET Framework 4.NET Framework 3.0Ocular Studio 2005Accessible Web applications enable people with disablements to utilize assistive engineerings, such as screen readers, to work with Web pages. ASP.NET can assist you make accessible Web applications. ASP.NET controls support handiness criterions including Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 ( WCAG ) to a great extent. However, sometimes ASP.NET controls produce consequences that fail to follow with all handiness criterions. In such instances, you will necessitate to manually configure the controls for handiness. You can configure keyboard support for your pages in ASP.NET utilizing one of these attacks:Set check order for controls utilizing the TabIndex belongings.Stipulate a default button for a signifier or Panel control by puting the DefaultButton belongings.Define entree keys for button controls by puting the AccessKey belongings.Use Label controls with text boxes, which let you specify entree keys for the text boxes.5.9 Mobile Applications in ASP.NET 3.5Today, in major parts of the universe, a nomadic phone is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Mobile devices such as smartphones, Personal Digital Assistants ( PDAs ) , and others have become indispensable appliances and back up many powerful characteristics that make life easier and well-organized. These nomadic devices can hold a figure of applications installed on them. Mobile application development is hence considered to be a important portion of a developer ‘s skillset. As an ASP.NET developer, it is imperative for you to be familiar with the creative activity of both Web and nomadic applications.5.9.1 Mobile Application Creation in ASP.NET 3.5In earlier versions of Ocular Studio before Visual Studio 2008, there was built-in interior decorator support for developing nomadic Web applications. The IDE provided an application templet utilizing which you could make a new nomadic Web application. An point templet allowed you to custom-make the show and visual aspect of controls in Design View. Using the interior decorator, you could work with nomadic Web signifiers and nomadic Web user controls in Design View. The IDE besides provided tool chest and design-time layout support which made the undertaking of working with ASP.NET Mobile Web applications simple and easy. However, from Ocular Studio 2008 onwards, there is no reinforced -in interior decorator support for developing nomadic Web applications. You can still make and work with nomadic Web applications by utilizing downloaded templets from the Web. The stairss to make this are listed below:Download ASP.NET Mobile from hypertext transfer protocol: // the nothing file. This will ensue in a figure of other nothing files.Copy the nothing files with file names stoping with â€Å" _cs † to: [ My Documents ] Visual Studio 2008TemplatesItemTemplatesVisual C # .Restart Visual Studio.Create an empty Website as shown in Figure 5.8.Select WebsiteaAdd New Item. The Add New Item duologue box will expose the freshly added templates available as shown in figure 5.9.Choose the templet Mobile Web Form as shown in figure 5.10 and click Add.A nomadic Web signifier will be added to the Website application. Switch to the codification position. You will detect that the Default category inherits from System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage.An alternate manner of making Mobile Web signifiers in Ocular Studio 2008 is to add a Web signifier to your application and so modify the page category declaration to inherit from System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage.Once the Mobile Web page is created utilizing either of these two attacks, you can so put nomadic Web controls onto the page by dragging them from the Toolbox or by typing markup and properties.Code Snippet 10 demonstrates how to make a simple nomadic signifier with a Panel and a Label control.Code Snippet 10& lt ; % @ Page Language= † C # † AutoEventWireup= † true † CodeFile= † Default.aspx.cs † Inherits= † _Default † % & gt ; & lt ; % @ Register TagPrefix= † Mobile † Namespace= † System.Web.UI.MobileControls † Assembly= † System.Web.Mobile † % & gt ; & lt ; html xmlns= † hypertext transfer protocol: // † & gt ; & lt ; organic structure & gt ; & lt ; nomadic: Form id= † Form1 † runat= † waiter † BackColor= † # 99ffcc † & gt ; & lt ; Mobile: Label Name= † lblMessage † runat= † waiter † Font-Bold= † True † ForeColor= † Blue † Font-Size= † Large † & gt ; Welcome, this is exciting & lt ; /mobile: Label & gt ; & lt ; br & gt ; & lt ; /br & gt ; & lt ; Mobile: Image ID= † Image1 † Runat= † waiter † ImageUrl= † Garden.jpg † & gt ; & lt ; /mobile: Image & gt ; & lt ; /mobile: Form & gt ; & lt ; /body & gt ; & lt ; /html & gt ; Save and construct the application.5.9.2 Executing Mobile ApplicationsThe stairss to prove this application are as follows:Install the Windows Mobile Device Center if it is non already installed.Install Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional SDK Refresh if it is non already installed.Select Tools- & gt ; Device Emulator Manager in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE.Right-click Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Emulator in the Device Emulator Manager duologue box and choice Connect.Right-click Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Emulator in the Device Emulator Manager duologue box and choice Cradle. Windows Mobile Device Center ( WMDC ) is opened. Ensure that the connexion puting on WMDC is set to DMA. If you are utilizing a Work web to link to the Internet, so choose â€Å" This computing machine connects to Work Network. †Launch Internet Explorer on the copycat and navigate to the URL of your nomadic Web application. Assuming that the local machine name is test, the end product will be as shown i n figure 5.11. You can besides utilize the IP reference of the machine alternatively of machine name.5.9.3 Mobile Device CapabilitiesPeoples around the universe usage different nomadic devices. These devices may differ in show sizes and capablenesss. If a Web developer develops a Web application for a specific nomadic device, it may non work when exported to other nomadic devices. To get the better of this job, there is a demand of some agencies of device filtering. Device filtering is the procedure of custom-making nomadic Web waiter controls to correctly expose them on select nomadic devices. Using device filters, nomadic Web applications can custom-make the visual aspect of controls for specific hardware devices. The customization is based on the capablenesss of the hardware device being used to shop the application. Device filters are used to custom-make the behaviour of Web waiter controls depending on the browser or device that accesses them. Typically, the web.config file shops device capablenesss in the & lt ; deviceFilters & gt ; subdivision. By default, your nomadic Web application in.NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 may non hold a web.config file. To add it, launch the Add New Item duologue box and choose the Mobile Web Configuration point templet as shown in figure 5.12. The web.config will incorporate undermentioned device filters by default in the & lt ; deviceFilters & gt ; subdivision: & lt ; deviceFilters & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isJPhone † compare= † Type † argument= † J-Phone † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isHTML32 † compare= † PreferredRenderingType † argument= † html32 † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isWML11 † compare= † PreferredRenderingType † argument= † wml11 † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isCHTML10 † compare= † PreferredRenderingType † argument= † chtml10 † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isGoAmerica † compare= † Browser † argument= † Go.Web † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isMME † compare= † Browser † argument= † Microsoft Mobile Explorer † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isMyPalm † compare= † Browser † argument= † MyPalm † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isPocketIE † compare= † Browser † argument= † Pocket IE † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isUP3x † compare= † Type † argument= † 3.x Browser † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isUP4x † compare= † Type † argument= † 4.x Browser † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isEricssonR380 † compare= † Type † argument= † Ericsson R380 † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † isNokia7110 † compare= † Type † argument= † Nokia 7110 † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † prefersGIF † compare= † PreferredImageMIME † argument= † image/gif † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † prefersWBMP † compare= † PreferredImageMIME † argument= † image/vnd.wap.wbmp † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † supportsColor † compare= † IsColor † argument= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † supportsCookies † compare= † Cookies † argument= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † supportsJavaScript † compare= † Javascript † argument= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; filter name= † supportsVoiceCalls † compare= † CanInitiateVoiceCall † argument= † true † / & gt ; & lt ; /deviceFilters & gt ; ASP.NET provides the HasCapability ( ) method in the MobileCapabilities category to find device capablenesss for nomadic devices. The method takes two parametric quantities. The first is a twine stipulating a delegateName that will indicate to the device rating method, belongings name, or so forth and the 2nd parametric quantity is any value that the capabilityName statement requires. The 2nd parametric quantity is optional. The HasCapability ( ) method enables you to find through codification whether the current device lucifers any device filter specified in the web.config file. Code Snippet 11 shows the usage of HasCapability ( ) method.Code Snippet 11:attempt { bool consequence = ( ( MobileCapabilities ) Request.Browser ) .HasCapability ( â€Å" supportsColor † , null ) ; txtvwMessage.Text = answer.ToString ( ) ; } gimmick ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ) { txtvwMessage.Text = â€Å" false † ; }Here, the codification tries to look into whether there is any device filter named supportsColor defined in the web.config file. If yes, it assigns the true value to the TextView control, txtvwMessage. If there is no such filter defined, an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised and a value of false is assigned to the TextView control, txtvwMessage. In the web.config file shown earlier, there is a filter named supportsColor. Therefore, the result of Code Snippet 11 is that the TextView shows true.5.9.4 Using the DeviceSpecific ControlThe procedure of rendering a control otherwise based on the browser that requested the Web page is called adaptative rendition. You use the DeviceSpecific component in ASP.NET Mobile applications to implement adaptative rendition. One or more & lt ; Choice & gt ; elements incorporating different versions of the content aiming different devices are placed inside the & lt ; DeviceSpecific & gt ; component, as shown in Code Snippet 12.Code Snippet 12& lt ; nomadic: Form id= † frmTest † runat= † waiter † & gt ; & lt ; Mobile: Label Runat= † waiter † ID= † Label1 † & gt ; Welcome & lt ; DeviceSpecific & gt ; & lt ; Choice Filter= † isPocketIE † Font-Italic= † True † Font-Name= † Arial Black † / & gt ; & lt ; Choice Filter= † isNokia7110 † ForeColor= † Magenta † / & gt ; & lt ; /DeviceSpecific & gt ; & lt ; /mobile: Label & gt ; & lt ; /mobile: Form & gt ; Choices are evaluated from the first & lt ; Choice & gt ; component to the last. Each pick includes a Filter component. If the device satisfies the Filter so the content within that pick is displayed to the client. The last pick in the above illustration has no Filter. The content in this pick shows on all of the devices that satisfy none of the filters. The Filter property of the & lt ; Choice & gt ; component can besides mention to a filter in the web.config file.DrumheadWCF is a incorporate scheduling theoretical account that helps to make distributed applications utilizing.NET engineerings.ASP.NET 3.5 defines several new informations related controls including LinqDataSource, EntityDataSource, and ListView.Globalization involves the procedure of developing Web applications that can be used by users from different parts of the universe.A resource file is used to hive away user interface strings for interpreting the application into other linguistic communications and plays an of import function in globalisation.Most ASP.NET controls provide constitutional support for handiness in Web applications.ASP.NET 3.5 enables you to develop nomadic Web applications.Mobile device capablenesss differ from device to device and are specified utilizing & lt ; deviceFilters & gt ; in web.config file.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Continual support for returning veterans. Determine program success in Research Paper

Continual support for returning veterans. Determine program success in helping veterans enter the job market - Research Paper Example Together with the different health problems (PTSD, TBI, and disabilities among others) that they experience, some ultimately seek ways to reduce or hide their suffering by suicide or becoming alcoholics. There are government developed programs that offer rehabilitation, education and training programs, and in support to this, the government provides financial support to the programs and veterans after service. This document also gives the statistics of veterans’ issues on health and fatality in some states. Keywords: Veterans, Soldiers, Programs, PTSD, Homeless Veterans, Alcohol and Drugs Abuse, Troops, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Training, Military Service, Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, Veterans’ Affairs, Health Care After the long and loyal service to their nations, military veterans deserve proper care and treatment back home. However short the period they served in military services battling for their countries, they all risked their lives, leaving behind their families and home places, just hoping that they will come back. Many of them lost their lives and can only be commemorated, while those who survived may have shortcomings in their lives that require to be addressed. Some do not have arms, though they can think straight and perform much better in other fields. Wars will never be over, since colonization, World War I and II, some nations are still at war with one another, and the world will need such patriotic military men and women to safeguard mankind. Terrorism is the norm of the day in this modern society, but it has been there and the soldiers have been active to combat the act that risks nations and world economies. Once the soldiers or military men retire or are kept offline the d uty due to physical or health issues, it should not mark the end of their productivity in life. Just like other people, they have an alternative of venturing into other

Friday, September 27, 2019

Global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global economy - Essay Example These opportunities are found in major developing countries like India and China, where a large population results in excess of labor demand over supply; leading to comparatively cheap skilled and unskilled labor being available (Dominguez, pp. 5, 2005). At a superficial glance, when a multinational invests in a country overseas, the partnership seems beneficial. Both the parties seem to profit. The multinational company finds a new domain to practice business on, while the country involved benefits due to the creation of jobs in its economy as well as the expansion in the consumer market due to the addition of the MNC’s product. There is however, a more deep-rooted impact of this operation, which implies increased benefit for the MNC and less benefit for the developing country. The nation state, which allows the multinational to operate within its borders, seldom sees the profit from the company’s operations (Chen, pp. 136, 2003). Multinational company, upon earning th is profit, will whisk the profit out of the country to its own origin and home. Resultantly, even when million-dollar companies enter a developing country’s market, the million-dollar profit is not beneficial to the country itself in any way. If evaluated by the subjective eye, the situation can appear as if the MNC exploits the hosting country for its cheap labor and consumer market, while paying back only the bare minimum in the form of wages, while earning a massive profit as well as a beneficial expansion in operations. The operations of a multinational consist of combining the expertise (especially new technology) and the stock capital of the multinational with any opportunities the MNC may find in other countries in the form of cheap labor and other resources, leading to an increased output (Toyne, pp. 42, 2009). The result is often a substantial profit that the investors in the multinational divide amongst themselves and take home. While arguments both favor and oppose this distribution to solely the owners, the unbiased spectator has to admit that there is no legal ground upon which one can object to this distribution. The question that follows is that is there no way out of this redundant cycle for the developing countries? Will they continue to serve the multinationals with their cheap labor without ever seeing a reasonable share of the end profit? To answer this question, one has to evaluate the situation objectively. Since only the investors of a business are entitled to profits, the only way a nation state can fairly demand a share of the profit is by being one of the risk takers of the business. Investors in the MNC who belong to the hosting country share the profit of the company, and it is their decision whether to keep their share within the country, or to send it elsewhere (Nagle, pp. 104, 1998). If the nation state makes investment attractive for these stakeholders, they are tempted to keep the profits within the country to invest. Th is is often not the case in developing countries, where the government policies underestimate the importance of investment. In a country where the government policies promote investment using fiscal and monetary rewards, the country’s economy gains much more benefit through the operations of multinationals. Not only does investment from several sources increase, MNC operations in the country have a two-fold favorable impact

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Federal Contracting activities of a specific company Essay

Federal Contracting activities of a specific company - Essay Example This has become necessary following increase security concerns especially in wake of worldwide terrorism and the need for significantly raising the bar on global safety, security and criminal prevention, detection and surveillance. Lockheed would work with two other companies to install this 10 year contract- Accenture and BAE Systems Information Technology. The major responsibilities of Lockheed would be in terms of providing â€Å"program management and oversight as well as development of biometric and large systems, the company said.† (Gross, 2008). Necessary identification and passage of passenger in major airports of the US. In the case of Ports, it has been assigned to verify credentials of nearly 1.1 Million dock Workers in the US ports â€Å"over five years.† (Biometrics, 2008). Lockheed has crafted robust and enduring partnerships with federal governments through contracts and covenants. This is through mutual respect, trust and professionalism which underpin contractual obligations and its execution, especially under trying circumstances. Our contracts go a long way in building a two way partnership that has stood the test of time and challenges. Lockheed depends largely on Government Funding for sustaining research work and this is essential for making out a strong client - vendor affiliation. In the 21st Century, Lockheed has provided ideal partnerships for federal government, in terms of providing excellent State-of-the –Art technological support and support. In terms of social security, citizens of the US who are not able to work need the benefits of Social security. The influence of Lockheed’s technology is found in many areas of government accountability and in critical areas of public performance. In the postal department, through systems provided by Lockheed, the US postal dept. is now capable of sorting and sending 600 Million letters per day. (Information technology, 2008). Information Technology

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Joint research and development analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joint research and development analysis - Essay Example The study has following domains of bio-technology research which have emerged as lucrative domain for strategic alliance between research partners. Research on DNA/RNA In many cases, it has been observed that biotechnology players form strategic alliances in order to conduct research on DNA/RNA amplification, synthesis, sequencing or gene expression profiling in order to develop a new medicine which can cure critical diseases or fillip the scientific development for a particular domain. According to Sherpa Group (2011), almost 64% of bio-tech and Enzyme companies are directly or indirectly related to DNA/RNA research. Research on Proteins Bio-tech companies are also focusing on conducting research on proteomics, engineering or synthesis of proteins and peptides, fabrication of cell receptors etc in order to develop enzymes or medicines for both research and commercial purpose (Sherpa Group, 2011). ... However, Andersson et al (2004) and Vassolo et al (2004) have argued that, strategic alliances between biotechnology companies help them to develop new processes, access to patents and access to knowledge resources but also mutually help both the companies to achieve competitive advantage. This is the reason why research collaboration activities by bio technology companies are growing at constant pace for last few years. To take the discussion forward the study will cite strategic alliances between US company Metabolix and Spanish company Antibioticos S.A which is a renowned Pharmaceutical Active Ingredients manufacture (Seiffert, 2012). Joint Venture between Metabolix and Antibioticos S.A In the year 2012, Metabolix Inc has announced that it has signed a collaboration agreement with Madrid based Antibioticos S.A for developing biopolymer resin. Both of the company have signed a letter of intent in order to in order to conduct research on biodegradable Mirel which is plant based alte rnatives for non-biodegradable plastics. According to bio technology specialists, bio polymer can act as suitable alternatives of plastics and it has minimum environmental impact due to its recyclable and bio degradable nature. Apart from the environmental benefits, commercial value of bio polymer has also attracted bio-tech companies to invest money on developing it. For example, demand for bio-polymer is growing at double digit growth rate for last consecutive years in both Europe and USA, which is another reason why bio-tech companies are banking on bio polymers as the next big thing (Seiffert, 2012). Metabolix Although strategic partnership with Antibioticos S.A will

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The role of Hollywood in global film markets Essay

The role of Hollywood in global film markets - Essay Example Film industry in Hollywood utilizes the demands in the local markets and global markets to produce and market their products. This promotes the work of artist and celebrities who rely in film industry to earn a living. Each year the number of celebrities that stream into the corridors of Hollywood increases. This has led to the growth of the American society. Film production enhances the entertainment industry. Many people like streaming into the movie houses or cinema halls to watch movies as a means to spending their leisure time. Hollywood movies influence the global film market by influencing prices and trends adopted by the film industry. Hollywood production has benefited the American society because of the income the government is able to earn from the film and media industry. Employment opportunity that Hollywood movie industry offers shapes lives of many people (Hesmondhalgh, 2007:176). Hollywood movies are a threat to social structures of the society. The movies influence t he social lives of individual who watch them. Many people tend to immolate and practice social scenes that they view in the movies. This paper explores the role of Hollywood in global film market. Introduction Movie industry helps the society to figure historical events or possible events in the society. Actors take their time to act in movies, which portrays the state of the society. In America, the media industry contributes a lot to the economy of the nation because of movie productions in Hollywood. Hollywood movie industry is renowned for it sparkling productions, which have drawn the attention of many people worldwide. Celebrities and moviemakers find their ways to Hollywood because of the reputation that it has. Hollywood movies flood the global market and many people feel that Hollywood command a greater share of the global market. History records that the first film studio in Hollywood was in 1911. That studio belonged to Nestor Company. The demand for movies and film by th e people led to the group of Hollywood film industry. Today filmmaking is a career that employs thousands of people. Many people like going to cinemas and theatre halls for refreshment, or spend their leisure time. The role of media in the society has contributed to revelation of historical facts and events, which, the society would forget. Media activities in the United States rely on the work of Hollywood filmmakers (Garnham, 1990:145). Many soap operas and other programs in television channels spring from movies acted in Hollywood. These productions have economic benefit to the American society and the world. The government and the society raise income from the filmmaking. Notably, the advancement in technology is a factor that has led to growth in the film industry. It is important to note, the media industry is competitive, and Hollywood is viewed as a destination, which shapes the future of the society. Film Making in Hollywood The film making industry in Hollywood has lasted for more than a decade. Moviemakers have shot different kinds of movies to illustrate to the society different social events. Hollywood is a town where the main business is the moviemaking. It attracts celebrates from different parts of the world. Many movie writers, directors, and produce visit this venture for the production purposes. Since the main business in the city is movie making, Hollywood dictate the trends in the film indus

Monday, September 23, 2019

One of the 10 Principles of Caregiving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

One of the 10 Principles of Caregiving - Essay Example All I can remember about my childhood is the quality times we used to spend together engaging in different types of activities, but the most memorable is the Sunday afternoon family reunion, where my mother ensured that all the members of our family were at home on Sunday afternoons, during which we could undertake different activities together such as making the family barbeque in our backyard. However, the most interesting thing about the family reunion is that I enjoyed the highest attention as the youngest in our family, and out of it, I still wish to be home all Sunday afternoons, since it is the time that I ever experienced true love in a way that has not been possible to experience from the outside world. The experience relates to spending quality time principle of caregiving, in that through spending a lot of time together with my mother and also the rest of the family members especially on Sunday afternoons have triggered the emotional response of wanting to be home every Sunday afternoon. Additionally, the quality time we spent together did not just create value in terms of time sent, but the effect was the formation of a long-lasting bond of love that does not only unite the two of us, but also the whole family. The quality time spent together with my mother at childhood has enabled me to learn things easily as well as develop strong relationships with my immediate family members. The bonding between me and my mother did not only help to bond the two of us, but also to bond and integrate me to the family system in a manner that has made anyone of our immediate family strongly attached to our mother. This love and attention that I received has been the basis of my relationship with all members of the female gender, since I have developed the tendency to interact with them as tender, kind and caring members of the society, since that is all I was able

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Implementing an ADR Process Essay Example for Free

Implementing an ADR Process Essay An Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a voluntary procedure where parties come to an agreement to use in conjunction with a formal process of administration, to resolve and settle disagreements or disputes in a work environment (Ann and Jay, 2002). There exist a number of objectives that lead to the use of an ADR processes in an organization. The Alternative Dispute Resolution processes should perform the following factions among others. It should resolve or reduce a number of issues in a dispute, be accessible, use the available resources efficiently, resolve disputes and disagreements as early as they occur, produce effective, lawful and acceptable outcomes to the involved parties and enhance the parties’ satisfaction (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). Types of ADR processes Mediation is a type of neutrally facilitated negotiation. It is a process where the parties to the dispute choose a mutually acceptable and independent third party called the mediator, to assist them in arriving at an amicable solution to their conflict or dispute (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The mediator enables parties to appraise their own cases with him in confidence, the factors like business relationships, commercial pressures, and reputation issues can be taken into account to necessary extent. Also, the procedure is flexible to suit the parties and the dispute. Mediation is also quick, consequently cheap and entirely confidential. However, Mediation is not suitable where the parties in a dispute require a court judgment (John and Steven, 2003). Conciliation is a process where the conciliator might express an opinion on the advantages of a dispute and will recommend a resolution to that dispute if he is not able persuade the parties to create their own solution (Ann and Jay, 2002). It is often preferred to mediation if the parties want the benefit of a conciliator’s intervention and assistance in the given confidential form provided. Neutral or expert evaluation; Here the parties aggrieved appoint an acceptable and neutral third party to both of them to evaluate their dispute and deduce an opinion on its outcome (Ann and Martin, 2002). They may request for an evaluation of their positions as a matter of law liability. Adjudication is non-housing grant whereby it is a process in which the parties appoint a neutral expert in the subject in disagreement to decide the dispute (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The adjudicators decision may be binding in the end of a temporary effect or advisory depending on the parties terms of reference availed to him. Implementation of an ADR processes The implementation of an ADR process may face a lot of barriers. For instance, the management may reject it. This may arise where the management do not belief in simple methods of conflict resolution or where they belief Court judgment. Also, another barrier could be misinformation or lack of commitment. Some employees or managers may present the truth about then ADR process as incorrect or as a bad method thereby creating some for of rejection by the other people within an organization (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The management may also pose a big challenge if it will decline to provide the required leadership in the process of implementing the ADR process. This is where the leading parties may not be willing to play a lead role in its implementation. Another challenge that may be realized is the lack of any form of commitment by the implementing group or lack of a proper legislation for its implementation. Some people on the other hand my go to court to acquire an injunction over the use of this process in an organization. While on the other hand the law firm workforce may fear the possible consequences of adapting ADR process subjecting it to criticism (John and Steven, 2003). Therefore, to overcome these challenges, one needs to have a number of methods. For instance, the person implementing an ADR Process should improve the communication to the rest of the employees and the management in general. Effective communication ensures that the process shall be well explained and illustrated while giving the advantages of accepting its use in the organization if implemented (Steven and Graham, 1993). Also, it is necessary that the concerned parties should hold a meeting for brainstorming and analysis of the strengths of the proposed ADR Process and its implementation. Involving the all affected stakeholders in implementation process ensures that the stakeholders own the process by their active contribution and participation, thus likely to result less resistance. Moreover, this will ensure that the persons concerned are well informed and are part of the process thereby reducing the chances of rejection and other barriers to its implementation. Another way of overcoming the implementation of an ADR Process is by adopting good leadership behavior by the leading persons in the organization. In this regard, a hands-off leadership style which is closely related to â€Å"laissez-faire† is appropriate leadership behavior whereby the top managerial carder provides no or little direction and gives workforce as much freedom in the implementation process (Donald, 2004, p. 216). The authority is given to the staff enabling them to make decisions, determine goals, and resolve problems on their own. However, the management should lead by supporting the implementation of the ADR Process and also provide relevant advice as to the advantages and disadvantages of using the process in the organization in resolving disputes and not imposing the process. Also, an appropriate advice should be given in relation to the legal processes and other court related problems like delays which are likely to drag the resolution of a dispute that would be resolved in a matter of days or hours between the parties. In addition, the cost that is involved in the legal process is higher that that used in the ADR Process. This should discourage the aggrieved parties from taking the case to the courts. The ADR Process plan may be accepted by the management if the definition of the intermediaries like the conciliators, mediators among others is well done and identified. The management might also accept the plan if legality part of the intermediaries is well done especially in adjudication where the experts are involved in the dispute resolution (Ann and Martin, 2002; John and Steven, 2003). This mainly because of the associated advantages of using an AR process like satisfactory results, more flexibility, participation and control, better case understanding, management improvement and reduction of hostility (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The management is also likely to accept the ADR Process plan if the cost is conspicuously advantageous in adopting the ADR Process and if it proofs that by adopting it, the parting are likely to resolve their disputes amicably are return to their normal way of working because as an organization, it is only fare that the employees are working with harmony and agreement. In conclusion, it is clear that an ADR Process is good for an organization if it is implemented and well used. As much as there are challenges that are associated with its implementation, it is proper that it is well explained both to the management and the rest of the employees so as to embrace its merits and foster a sense of collective acceptability thereby reducing the chances of its rejection.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How far, and in what ways, do you agree that the story Essay Example for Free

How far, and in what ways, do you agree that the story Essay Hamlet is a revenge tragedy; a genre originally developed by plays such as The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd from 1585-1590. The genre is characterized by the inclusion of death, murder, betrayal, madness, poison, surveillance and the supernatural in the narrative themes that all frequently occur in Hamlet. However to what extent does the story of Polonius, Ophelia and Laertes conform to this idea of a revenge tragedy; and more broadly, how does the story of the family conform to the genre of tragedy as a whole? One issue is how to define a tragedy; Thomas Heywood wrote: Comedies begin in trouble and end in peace; tragedies begin in calm and end in tempest, Apology for Actors, 1612. By this definition, tragedy generally can be summarised as a sequence of events that lead to the destruction of the majority of its characters. In this sense, the story of Polonius and his family conforms to the basic skeleton of a tragedy by the end of the play Polonius, Laertes and Ophelia are dead. However the familys story does not conform as simply to other definitions of tragedy. [Tragedy] would look with a sceptical eye at what was happening in the world around, M. Mangan (1991). Tragedy would look with a sceptical eye implies that tragedy has the role of both viewing and criticising society. This concept can be applied to Polonius, a character remarkably similar to Queen Elizabeth Is spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham. Shakespeare spent the majority of his life under Elizabeths rule; hence the Elizabeths gentry may have aided Shakespeare in creating his constructs. Polonius is characterized by his long, rambling speeches, for example in Act 2 Scene 2; Either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastorical-comical, historical-pastoral, tragic-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral unlimited The absurd repetition of the words tragedy, comedy, history and pastoral emphasize the loquaciousness of Polonius, but is perhaps also mocking Sir Francis Walsingham. Shakespeare is crafting a stereotype that spymasters are loquacious, obsequious characters. Perhaps Shakespeare is criticising society; society does not require spymasters spawning insincerity and deceit. If so, Shakespeare is using satire as a tool to portray this viewpoint. Polonius may be used by Shakespeare as a means to act as such a sceptical eye on society, conforming to Mangans concept of the relevance of tragedy in real life. Aristotle was a key figure in defining tragedy, and stated in his Poetics that a typical tragedy consisted of a noble protagonist, with a hamartia (tragic flaw), whose peripeteia (reversal of fortune) is brought about by an anagnorisis (moment of recognition). However it would be unwise to assume that Aristotles Poetics, written in c. 335 BC would still be completely relevant to Shakespearean tragedy, written some two thousand years later. However several aspects of Aristotles tragedy can be applied to Polonius and his family. Polonius has his tragic flaw: his obsession with spying. He tells Reynaldo before departing to France to spy on Laertes: By indirections find directions out (Act 2 Scene 1) Not only does this indicate his unnatural interest in his sons affairs, so much that he is willing to send a spy to observe his sons possible hedonism in Paris; but it also shows that he is experienced as a spymaster. Such advice is most likely to be learned from several years of manipulating people to his advantage. Essentially what he is saying is the most direct method of finding the truth is through being indirect, which holds to be true as we see later in the play with Hamlets The Mousetrap; a play within a play which exposes Claudius villainy through indirect and subtle methods. Furthermore on the topic of hamartia Laertes has his tragic flaw of overreaction; a stark contrast to Hamlet whose tragic flaw is procrastination. When asked by Claudius what he will do when Hamlet returns to Denmark to avenge his father in Act 4 Scene VII, he replies To cut his throat i the church. This directly mirrors the church scene, where Claudius is vulnerable yet Hamlet refrains from acting out his revenge. This displays Laertes as a traditional revenger, willing to act, unlike Hamlet who considers the legitimacy of the ghosts claims before even considering revenge. Laertes does not take much persuading from Claudius. However it is this over-willingness to act that is the cause of his death. In his rage at the death of both his father and sister, he plots with Claudius to kill Hamlet; a move which kills him as he himself is poisoned by the sword intended for Hamlet. Over-willingness to act is Laertes hamartia; and so Laertes also conforms to this tragic skeleton laid out by Aristotle. However perhaps more tragic, although not conforming to Aristotles works, is the question; why is Laertes so willing to act? His father was voyeuristic, deceitful and loquacious he used Ophelia as a tool to gain favour with the king, and spied on Laertes to ensure his name was not tarnished. He was a far from noble man, his life summarised accurately by his death; behind an arras spying on someone. In this regard, it is questionable whether Laertes brashness in relation to revenge is justified. From the aspects of Polonius character seen in the play, it does not appear that he was a good father; in fact he seems villainous at times for example when he disallows Ophelia to express her love for Hamlet, then makes her feel to blame when Hamlet puts on his antic disposition. It is questionable whether Polonius deserves to be avenged. Hamlet seems to simply shrug off the murder of Polonius, noting of what the little worth he was when referring him simply as guts. This could be seen as tragic, as the worthlessness of Polonius character implies that Laertes died for nothing. One explanation is that Laertes may have been inclined to act out revenge with such little persuasion due to the fact Polonius was all he and his sister had. Since Hamlet put on his antic disposition, Ophelia lacked a love interest, as did Laertes assuming he did not have a lover in Paris; moreover they were not allowed to have a love interest due to Polonius caring too much about his image than the wishes of his children. With no love interests, and apparently no motherly figure, they were left with no figure of authority but Polonius, which may be the cause for Laertes brash attitudes towards revenge. Also likely is the concept of family honour driving Laertes revenge, a concept which an Elizabethan audience may have empathised with. The death of Ophelia in a modern day sense is considered tragic, like any suspected suicide. However during Elizabethan times her death would be considered on a more religious basis; the priest comments on the questionable nature of her death, and whether it would warrant a Christian burial. This is an example of how the definition of tragedy shifts over time; even Laertes does not seem as shaken by the announcement of his sisters death compared to his fathers, perhaps due to the nature of her death. Ophelias death is considered a tragedy in a modern day sense, but at the time her death not so much tragic, but rather symbolised the death of innocence in the play, as part of the build up to the climatic deaths in the final act. However, Ophelias death is an example of how Hamlet is able to transcend traditional ideas on tragedy, and can hold relevance to modern day interpretations of what is considered tragic. In the 21st century, a tragic event is where an individual or group suffers to a greater extent than they are perceived to deserve. It could be argued that however you spin the story of Polonius and his family, they will always conform to this modern interpretation of tragedy, as well as the traditional tragedy theorised by Aristotle. Ophelia is being perpetually commanded and ordered throughout the play by the significant characters in her life; first Laertes, when he displays his disapproval of her intimacy with Hamlet, and Polonius when he conducts his own play within a play, ordering her to talk to Hamlet while he observes behind an arras. She has little to no freedom, despite the fact she has done nothing wrong; unlike her brother who had enjoyed the primrose path of dalliance while in Paris, and the voyeuristic indulgence of Polonius. The death of Ophelia to a modern audience is tragic, so in this sense the story of Polonius and his family is a tragedy. I agree that the story of Polonius and his family should be considered a tragedy within a tragedy. Their story contains many of the frequently occurring aspects of a tragedy; death, love, murder, revenge and surveillance. As well as this, the family conforms to the concept of a tragedy as laid out by Aristotle. Finally, the story of Polonius and his family conforms to what is considered tragic in the present, as the tragedy has transcended the period in which the play was written. References Primary Text Shakespeare, W (~1600) Hamlet London: Penguin (2005) Secondary Texts Aristotle (350 BC) Poetics London: Penguin (1997) Heywood, T (1612) An Apology for Actors New York: Scholars Facsimiles Reprints (1999) Mangan, M (1991) A Preface to Shakespeares Tragedies London: Longman.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Electric Drive System Design, Simulation and Construction

Electric Drive System Design, Simulation and Construction Abstract In this experiment, three phase flexible inverter was used to drive a Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) machine. Three experiments steps use three-phase inverter which is connected to resistor and inductor load and BLDC machine to examine and measure 1) Pulse Mode Modulation (PMW); 2) Three wave signal sinusoidal and 3) BLDC signal sequence. Computer simulation using MATLAB Simulink is used to analyze the laboratory result and software calculation. The speed and torque of BLDC machine can be controlled by controller using PWM technique. This BLDC machine can be modelled as Resistor and Inductor Load.   1.1 Background Many electrical load (e.g. electric motor, lighting) need a wide of range voltage, current, frequency and phase angle which is converted from electrical source (e.g. electric grid, battery) with constant voltage, frequencies, current and phase angles. This conversion mechanism use power electronics converter and one application of converter is inverter which convert DC input into AC output [1]. In this experiment, this inverter will provide a variety of voltage and frequency to drive BLDC machine in order to operate at a specific speed and torque. 1.2 Module Aims The aim of this experiment is to understand design, construction, simulation, and testing of an electrical drive system through practical experience. The procedure of this project can be divide into following steps. Research electrical drive technology. Construction of an electric drive. Simulate and understand an electric drive system. Experimental test, analysis and verification of the system Diagrammatic interpretation of software operation Production of a written technical report. 2.1 Pulse Width Modulation In this experiment, the circuit use 3 pairs of MOSFETs as shown in figure 2.1. Having set the PIC software to the PWM test mode for the controller, measurements was taken on terminal point in three pairs (J1-J2, J3-J4 and J5-J6) which indicate gate-on voltage. Figure 2.1. 3-phase MOSFET arrangement diagram. The gate-on voltage on terminal J1-J2 over time can be shown in figure xx, it consists of time-on (T-on) and time-off (T-off). Time switching period can be calculated as T=t-on+t-off and duty cycle as ratio of time-on (T-on) over time switching period. The 3 pairs of MOSFET have relatively the same switching frequency and gate-on voltage, but in the different percentage of duty cycle, as complete result shown in table xxx. From figure xx, dead time is calculated as time span from J1 when voltage start to off and J2 when voltage start to on. PMW switching frequency = Duty cycle = Figure 2.2. PWM signal for J1 (Yellow) and J2 (Green): time-on, time-off and voltage on. Figure 2.3.   PWM signal: dead time between J1 (Yellow) and J2 (Green). Table 2.1. PWM Signal (J1 to J6) 2.2 Three Phase Sine Wave Generator In this experiment, the controller is programmed with test 2 test to convert from DC supply to 3-phase AC output. The output of inverter connected to electrical load (resistor and inductor) and then voltage is measured between resistor R1. The frequency of AC output can be altered by the R22 potentiometer. By varying the setting of potentiometer, the result between resistor R1 (V1-V2) can be shown in figure 2.1 for minimum, figure 2.2 for middle, and figure 2.3 for maximum setting of potentiometer. Figure 2.4. Inverter frequency (f=1.97Hz) in the minimum setting of potentiometer Figure 2.5.   Inverter frequency (f=16.18Hz) in the middle setting of potentiometer Figure 2.6. Inverter frequency (f=19.82Hz) in the maximum setting of potentiometer Figure 2.7. PWM signal (f=10.16kHz) while at the duty cycle 23%. 2.3    BLDC Motor Control In the test-3, the controller is programmed with test 3 test to convert from DC supply to operate and control a three phase BLDC machine. BLDC machine is equipped with three Hall Effect sensors, their function is to sense the rotor position to the controller in order to make MOSFETs can make certain switching arrangement to produce a particular speed for BLDC motor. After inverter connected to hall effect sensor and to power supply of BLDC motor, the results can be shown for the sequence position between H1-H2 (figure xx), between H1-H3 (figure xx) and also the total sequence position between H1-H2-H3 in figure xx. The supply voltage for BLDC, phase A voltage is can be shown in figure xx and figure, which magnitude at around 25 V but the duty cycle fluctuate between range 37% up to 62%. Figure 2.8. H1 (Yellow) and H2 (Green) sequence at almost similar frequency (f1=132Hz and f2=131Hz) Figure 2.9.   H1 (Yellow) and H3 (Green) sequence at almost similar frequency (f1=132Hz and f3=130Hz) Figure 2.10. Relation between H1 (state 1) and voltage phase A (duty 37%). Figure 2.11. Relation between H1 (state 0) and voltage phase A (duty 62%). Figure 2.12. H1-H2-H3 command sequence. 2.4    Variable DC Supply Simulation In this Matlab simulation, DC supply was connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. DC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a reference setting point. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 20kHz. The reference setting point was set at 0, 0.5 and 1 which represent duty cycle (D=0%, D=50% and D=100%). The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the reference setting point (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. Figure 2.13. The output current with duty cycle D=50% and swithing frequency fs=20kHz Figure 2.14. The output current with different inductance duty cycle (D=0%, D=50%, and D=100%) Figure 2.15. The output current with different switching frequency (fs=10kHz, fs=20kHz, and fs=40kHz) Figure 2.16. The output current with different inductance value (L=1.65mH, L=3.3mH, and L=33mH) 2.5    Variable AC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. Figure 2.17. The output current with a sine wave reference setting fc=50Hz and a switching frequency fs=10kHz Figure 2.18.   The output current with different sine wave reference setting (fc=25Hz, fc=50Hz, and fc=100Hz) Figure 2.19. The output current with different switching frequency (fs=10kHz, fs=20kHz, and fs=40kHz) Figure 2.20. The output current with different inductance value (L=1.65mH, L=3.3mH, and L=33mH) 3.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) This MS Word template (.dot file) was prepared by Dr. Jonathan I. Maletic in the Department of Computer Science at Kent State University.   This is Version 1.0.   It is a template for Thesis/Dissertations for the College of Arts and Science at KSU. 3.2 Three Phase Sine Wave Generator In this Matlab simulation, DC supply was connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. DC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a reference setting point. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 20kHz. The reference setting point was set at 0, 0.5 and 1 which represent duty cycle (D=0%, D=50% and D=100%). The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the reference setting point (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.3 BLDC Motor Control In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.4 Variable DC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.5 Variable AC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


THE WAI AND DISABLED POPULATIONS Introduction-In a world where the Internet is the fastest growing method of communication and educational resources, it should be available to all of its users. However, it seems that the creators seemed to have left out a certain group of people. This group of people would be the disabled population of the world. It might seem to the "normal person" that this is not a big issue. Contrary to what people might think it truly is. The Web Accessibility Initiative was established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Its promise is to assure all users of the web a fair and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. There are many important reasons why web accessibility is important. Not many people realize how many obstacles the web has for people with disabilities. This affects millions of people throughout the world. Some of these include visual disabilities. For example, web sites that have poorly marked-up table or frames, unlabeled graphics or undescribed videos. People with hearing disabilities also experience problems, such as lack of captioning for audio, and proliferation of text with out visual markers. Other sites on the web are also unfair for people who have cognitive or neurological disabilites. This can cause problems because of flickering or strobing graphics on pages, and highly complicated presentations and language use(Brewer). In October 1994, the W3C was created to lead the information superhighway to it's highest potential by developing a set of guidelines that ensure its evolution, accessibility and understanding by everybody. WAI is sponsored by a mixed group of government and industry supporters of accessibility. It has three different guidelines to address different needs. 1.) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. 2.) Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 3.)User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Each guideline has specific supporting documents and resources. Some examples of this are checklists, technique documents with implementation detail, curricula, and logos. Research and development can have a major impact on the future of web accessibility. WAI plays a key role in assessing trends in implementations of accessible and inaccessible web technologies. It also helps with devoloping collaborations with research projects to promote awareness of the need for accessibility and benefits of universal design. For people with disabilites the Internet has been a "mixed blessing(Brewer)". Inaccessibility is unfair because the Internet is an excellent source for news, information, commerce, distance learning, email, voting, entertainment and even keeping in touch with family and friends.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ten Thousand Proud Elephants :: Personal Narrative Homosexuality Essays

Ten Thousand Proud Elephants I wore a dress to the gay pride parade this year. It’s a grand parade, fun filled with hundreds of stories like this, and how people go there looking for voice and they scream so loud for it that they come home voiceless. I wore my voice in the threads of a dress. I’m not gay but these are the bravest, most respectable people I’ve ever seen, and I wore a dress for hope that people feel safe to be people. The day began with a beer breakfast morning. My lover, Stephanie and I walked our dog, bleu (whom we think is secretly gay), and then came home to countless phone calls from friends planning to get together, all of them recognizing that the reason they were doing so was because they had dreamt the night before that people in the world started to make plans to get together. Stephanie lent me the dress and we started out the door hand in hand, man in drag, and the day rolled on like the curve of a rainbow. Walking through Chicago was frightening, but the very thought gave even more purpose to the day so I walked a little prouder. Stephanie showed no fear and I look back at a very beautiful couple. We were met outside of jock-ville u.s.a., Wrigley field, by a bunch of cross dressing, wig wearing, loudly free with passion like jack hammers for hearts†¦homosexuals. We follow them to the beginning of the parade. One of the first things you see at the parade is people drinking beer on the streets in front of the cops who are there for "protection." Another thing you might see is those same cops also drinking beer. Soon nudity, free-wielding like breasts and butts were newspapers†¦Street Wise! and fancy free, is fleshed before you, and every once in a while a flash of seriousness that is lying under the covers of freedom for fun like a body awake at night, rears it’s fancy face. An organization called PFLAG (parents of gays and lesbians) gathered to march, holding signs proclaiming that they are "†¦proud of my gay son!" and "I love my lesbian daughter." I started crying. Following this crowd a group of Chicago’s gay cops walked by, and that just about sold the crowed a kleenex for every wave of those brave peoples hand.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Position of Women in Our Society

Women are the inherent part of our society and cannot be neglected due to their less power and authority. They are created as a companion for men and men have to make her walk with them in the course of life. As Pakistan is an Islamic state so Pakistani female’s role and behaviors are defined by Islamic laws and as such are given divine sanction. She plays roles as a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife. They play their roles with great responsibilities in upbringing of a healthy solid society, but she is in our so called modern world, still living in chains. The basic unit of society is a woman. As woman makes a family, family makes a home and homes make a society. So we should never think that a society would come into existence without the contribution of women. We all know that without education, no development is possible. Here we have forgotten that the very first and best school of a child is its mother’s lap. A good healthy society doesn’t automatically emerge on its own and stands firm but it needs to be emerged and for its emergence women play a pivotal role. From behavioral to health education women have their hands in. t’s a woman who teaches how to behave, how to speak and how to deal with different classes of people. These all are the basic fundamentals of a good society and women are the main contributors in building up a strong society. Arabia, the origin of Islam, in pre-Islamic ages was wrapped all over by blanket of evil deeds, wicked thoughts and immorality. Women were the most effected during that time. They were treated like animals. They were only used as sex toys and they were worse than slaves. The new born baby girls were buried alive as they thought girls were a curse for the family and society. But! They didn’t know that Allah’s blessings are upon that home and parents that have daughters. With the advent of Islam, the women got the respect and status in the society that she ever deserved. It the woman who is a mother and Islam has taught us that â€Å"paradise lies under the feet of mother†. From this we can judge women’s respect and importance in our life and society. The western countries have tremendously developed in all fields of life. Their education, their health departments, the departments of information technology are the in the highest rankings. In western countries men and women are working shoulder to shoulder in the same pace and both are contributing and playing their parts equally in the developmental processes. They are given basic education as well as fundamental and higher education without any restrictions from the society. That is why the West is that much developed. As they are educating and encouraging both the sexes equally and discriminating none. Like this there is competition and where there is competition there is invention and invention leads to massive developments. Pakistan is an Islamic country and exists and functions in the context of its unique set of historical, social, economic and political circumstances. Women within Islamic boundaries can take part in all activities weather they belong to financial, national, international, social or domestic affairs. Women population of our country is greater than that of men population. If such a big portion of population is kept behind then it’s difficult to progress with due speed and we will obviously lag behind the developed countries. Pakistan is an under developed country and most of its population is of the youth. It’s a golden chance for Pakistan to rightly utilize the youth’s energies. Women are more productive than men; if in Pakistan they are given the right platform they will smoothly carry the nation towards development. The role of Pakistani women in their families revolves around well-established conventions of male supremacy and female sub ordinance. Here the complete responsibility lies on the shoulders of the male to educate and encourage the females to step forward and to play their role in developmental processes. Women are not only for home-making and child-rearing but they must also be given chance to put their hands a little forward in building up of a good solid society. A good solid society is a good harbinger of development. In order for a society to be a pure society, both men and women should think, dress and behave in ways that allow pure thoughts and actions to dominate the way of life and create a social climate conducive to the achievement of the real goal of life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How is ICT Used in Schools and What are the Effects? Essay

Introduction I have chosen to do a report on the effect on schools and colleges. I chose this topic because I attend school every day and I can find out a lot about schools. I can also find out about the use of ICT in colleges because my mother works at a college. I will be able to find out information to include from many sources. I think finding out about the development of ICT is very interesting and I can compare the ICT facilities. I will also be able to find out information about how ICT is used in schools. To do this I am going to use a range of sources, for example, books, the Internet and people. How has ICT changed over the last 30 years? Computers can be changed for interactive learning, unlike 30 years ago. The only disadvantage to this is the pupils will not be as motivated as they would with a teacher. Computers have changed dramatically over the last few decades. Computers started appearing in schools in 1983. At this time there were very few, they were called Caltext Word Processors. They were larger, slower, had less memory, the programs were not advanced. Now there are hundreds of machines, printers, scanners etc. Modern computers have more processing power than the larger, room-sized computers, which were around in the 60’s and early 70’s. How has ICT changed in schools? ICT is used in schools for many purposes, for example, recording grades and attendance. All the information for attendance is input into the computer and a spreadsheet is made. The percentage is calculated by the computer and a new monitoring system phones parents at regular intervals during the day to enquire about absences. It keeps phoning until there is a reply. School libraries use ICT for bar code readers and the librarian can access data about who has which book, the book on loan and the return date. It can also be an efficient form of identification. For example Hillcrest, our card system is an efficient way to but dinner. The cards can also be used for library cards because they have a photo on them. This is taken from a digital camera and was input into a computer and put on to a card. This is useful because they can be used as identity, because the coloured stripe shows which year each pupil is in. The black stripe along the back of the card stores information about the name, year and the amount of money on the card. An advantage to this system is it doesn’t show who has free meal, the information is not available to other pupils. As well as ICT being available to other pupils, it is also useful for teachers, because a database can be kept of all the details of the pupil such as the date of birth, emergency contact numbers, and progress in lessons and behaviour. With ICT help can be given in other subjects. Programs such as Encarta, The Way Things Work, and especially the Internet. The Internet is helpful because pupils can access any educational site and web page filters such as The Birmingham Grid For Learning, stop offensive pages being shown. The Internet also has a useful site for teachers, where they can input students work into the site and it tells them how much has been copied of the Internet. This helps to prevent Plagiarism. Teachers can also access prepared lesson plans and schemes of work. Students can also save their work on the network, in their own area. Which can be accessed from any network computer and it is also secure because each persons account is password protected. Schools can use Digital Cameras to put a photograph into the computer to put photographs on to the website, art students can include graphics into their work and the photographs can be used for swipe cards or identification cards. What are the historical aspects of the changes in ICT in schools? Years ago, computers may only have been used in computing, but now they are used in many other subjects, for example, Maths software, Science software, homework and revision programs, and business forecasting tools. Computers have become more developed, e.g. when computers were first put into the education system there may not have been printers in schools, but now there are many in each classroom. Computers are also much more advanced, the old dot matrix printers have been replaced by Ink Jet and Laser Jet printers which give a much better quality, are better value for money because printing off large amounts of paper is cheaper. It also has a higher resolution, which means the print out is better. What are the technological breakthroughs, which have helped in schools? Breakthroughs in ICT are helpful in schools for a number of ways. Bar Code Readers are useful in the school library to check out books; Voice Recognition could be useful for teachers who do not want to type a worksheet/handout. This is an advantage for disabled people who find it difficult to use a keyboard. They could dictate a worksheet into a program called Voicepad. Scanners are a breakthrough and any picture that is input into a computer can be edited, changes in colours, change the size etc. Also, Smart Cards are a breakthrough and are used in schools as identity cards as well as library cards. What technology is used and what is available for use? What is available to buy? Is it available in schools/ colleges? Who uses it? Scanners Available Might not be available to students Printers (laser and colour) Available to teachers and students, although some schools may have to restrict printing to save on resources which is an environmental issue Students and teachers, because they need to print their work. Photocopiers Available Students may have to ask a teacher to photocopy for them Computers Always available, though the ratio between schools may vary Teachers and students will need to use them for work A school network Available to every computer in the school Teachers and students will need to have an account Internet Available to most computers Will be limited for students because of the web page filters put in place by teachers Joystick May not be available in schools, but may be available in colleges May only be available for older pupils or teachers use Touch Screen May only be available in schools for children with disabilities. Would only be used with children who can not use a keyboard Light Pen May not be available at all May be available for teachers only What effect has ICT had in schools, and how would this be done without the use of ICT? ICT has had a big effect in schools and colleges for example e-mail is sent through the phone lines and is very quick. In my mothers’ work the students e-mail their work to the lecturers and have a reply with answers and their mark. The students with an e-mail account can contact the teachers and other students even when they are on study leave. In universities, worksheets, course details/notices and other important notices are e-mailed to group e-mail addresses, for example, all first year business students or all of first year computing rather than addressing it to each individual student. Tutors set up group e-mail accounts. All university e-mail addresses can be forwarded to home e-mail accounts. If ICT were not available pupils would have to go into college to find the teachers when they could be using that time to study. They would have to keep checking noticeboards for important information. The Intranet is useful because anyone who has a username and password within the school or college can find announcements, messages and company documents. Most universities have a program called â€Å"Blackboard† where the students can find notes assignments, web page links, and past exam papers. They can also find information from off-campus. This is very important for 2nd and final year, and also placement year students. How has ICT improved facilities in the area? Interactive whiteboards enable teachers to demonstrate and not have their backs to pupils. Touch screens can be used in education centres, not necessarily just in schools. Tests should be completed on touch screen computers because they will also tell you how much time you have left and they allow you to change an answer as many times as you like. It will record the answers you give. They use these on driving theory tests. How has ICT affected the way people work? ICT can affect the place where you work because with e-mail and Intranets you can work from home. The pupils could use distance learning. This is also available for adults who enrol on Learn Direct courses. Also, working from home is convenient because you can change the hours you work, and where you work to what is more comfortable for you. This benefits you because your stress load will decrease because you can e-mail work to the person in charge. This would be useful for someone who is unable to attend school/college and needed to make up the work with homework assignments because they can e-mail the completed work to the teacher. Although, working from home would cut off contact with people you see everyday at work. Learning in school means people have advantages when they go into work, e.g. having word processing skills means people need less training in basic skills. Teachers can carry around mobile phones and laptops to keep in contact with other colleagues when they are not a t work because they are on courses. Students can type up homework, coursework and revision notes. They can research on the Internet. They can also back up pieces of work, and if the first version was lost, they could retrieve the backup copy and continue to work from that. They can also carry between home and school, this dramatically reduce the amount of paperwork the pupils have to carry to and from school. Although, they must remember to take care of the disk and not subject it to extreme heat (by putting it near radiators) or magnets because they could destroy the disk. What rules and regulations need to be put into place to use ICT? Teachers will need to restrict Internet usage and put filters on offensive pages. This prevents them from being shown to students. The Internet can be useful for students work and revision, e.g. finding past exam papers. Although using copyright material is illegal, security is not always good on the Internet because people can hack into the Internet and find anything. Using computers for a long period of time can have a health risk: radiation, backache, wrist pain and eyesight.